Written by: Jacob Blackburn
(A Collection of Thoughts)

I often think about why people need others.
Why do we seek approval?
Why do we care what people think of us?
Why does that change our outlook on ourselves?

No one can be totally unbiased on their opinions.
Whether that is on the subject of your personal you,
Or any other topics.

Opinions, no matter how strong can always be affected.
But why?
Have you ever thought to ask yourself this?
If you are expecting a quick answer to this, I don’t have one.

I just find it humorous to see people rush to change and become radical,
Yet at the same time be just another follower of a trend to be different.
It goes completely against what they are doing in the first place,
Which in this case is being different.

Originality is not what we are talking about either.
You can have insane ideas no one has ever thought of.
If you are being different just for the sake of being different,
You are a sell-out.
Not only to you, but to every follower you influence who want to be different too.

Pleasing yourself has almost become what today’s society is all about.
Although I’m sure this concept has been around for ages.
Maybe that is what it all boils down to.
Pleasing yourself.

Sounds kind of sinful doesn’t it?
Almost lustful,
I don’t believe it is so cut and dry like that.

If you actually do please yourself and be the real you,
Isn’t that just as bad as pleasing yourself for others?
Is that still lustful?
Not to mention selfish.
That kind of makes you think.

No matter what you do, you are there to please others.
It’s magnified in high school,
But look at it in your everyday life.

Why do people buy three really nice cars when you only need one?
To look important of course.
To who?
You or others?

You seek the approval of others,
Or in some cases disapproval,
Which in turn gains approval by followers that want to be different.
Attention is paid regardless.

Next time you buy your new pair of pants,
Or your next toy, ask yourself…
Are you pleasing yourself for you, or others?
In the end, does it really matter?

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